Catalogue Non-Fiction
Catalogue Non-Fiction
This is a list of Non-Fiction books written by me to date. Published Formats include the Able Limited Editions EXE CD Format, Able Limited Editions DRM Protected EPUB Download Format, and the Kindle Format. General Details of Each Title listed below will indicate the Formats they have been published in and the relevant ISBN. Since 2013 there is a different ISBN for each of the published Formats (it was voluntary before that). That may be a little confusing for online browsers, l know; but is now essential here in the UK according to the Law thereby publishing procedures.
Click on the banner below to visit the Able Limited Editions website for details of all available Publication Formats. Or click any provided ISBN links in the relevant book Title data below if you want to go straight to relevant Able Limited Editions Shop sales pages, or indeed any relevant Amazon Kindle sales page.
Title | Creative Writing: Facts And Fiction |
Author | Leo Hunter |
Genre | Non-Fiction |
Publisher | Able Limited Editions |
Available Formats |
ISBN 9780955214387 - EXE CD Assin B00AFBLY68 - Kindle |
Short Description |
Creative Writing: Facts And Fiction is revealing, focusing on all aspects of creative writing in the contexts of non-fiction, fiction and journalism. As such, it covers many aspects publishers will not tell their writers or authors, how to write any manuscript, copy or story to submit to any publisher with the view of publishing, writers rights, and how to create characters, besides how to create any compelling story. And Leo links universally applied law to all issues raised, making it an absolutely essential inclusion for any library reference shelf of any established and aspiring writer or author. More than worth its price tag, since it reveals what several accredited institutions will not tell their students. It's one unprecedented expose written by Leo Hunter not to be missed. |
Title | eMarketing Considerations |
Author | Leo Hunter |
Genre | Non-Fiction |
Publisher | Able Limited Editions |
Available Formats |
ISBN 9780955214370 - EXE CD ASSIN B00AFCT8Q0 - Kindle |
Short Description |
eMarketing Considerations is a striking 234 page ebook covering most aspects of emarketing, including how successful emarketers make many millions simply by using ezines, email, adsense etc and other said pay per click advertising strategies, ebooks, affiliates, web site seo, and ebook seo in themselves, internet based entrepreneurial skills, internet based work from home skills, and internet based scams of all kinds. Particularly in that context of scams, this ebook really is a mind-blowing eye-opener. Ordinary Jo Soap surfers are after all the ultimate target of all scam artists. And the author links applied law to all issues raised, making this ebook a must inclusion for any reference collection. Be well prepared to be knocked for six, as the author uncovers not so obvious dirty secrets relating to internet based scams, and informs the readers on how to recognise them. |
Title | Internet Jungle Survival Guide |
Author | Leo Hunter |
Genre | Humorous Non-Fiction |
Publisher | Able Limited Editions |
Available Formats | EXE CD Only |
Short Description |
Internet Jungle Survival Guide is quite a humorous; but at the same time a quite a comprehensive survival guide for anyone aspiring to become a said successful internet business guru cum entrepreneur, or for anyone considering whether or not to bite the internet bullet and be an internet based work at home worker, or to Jo Soap surfers. And the author links universally applied law to all issues related to internet jungle based scams, as well as a comprehensive guide on how to recognise them. It's an essential guide for entrepreneurs, work from home workers, and ordinary surfers alike. Like it or not, Jo Soap surfers are the real targets though after all. |
Title | Body Language: Fact or Fiction |
Author | Leo Hunter |
Genre | Non-Fiction |
Publisher | Able Limited Editions |
Available Formats | ISBN 9780955214332 - EXE CD Only |
Short Description |
Body Language: Fact or Fiction offers an essential no fluff introduction to the extremely intriguing concept of body language as a means of determining intentions and attitudes of spouses, lovers, family members, friends and foe alike. As such, it's said that using body language in itself enables you to read and use body language to be successful in personal and professional relationships. The informative ebook is unprecedented; in that the author links relevant universally applied principles of law in defining what body language in fact truthfully is, as well as how and why the concept of body language is used to shape human behaviour. |
Title | Non Fiction Pack 1 |
Author | Leo Hunter |
Genre | Non-Fiction |
Publisher | Able Limited Editions |
Available Formats | ISBN's as listed above - EXE CD Only |
Short Description | Non Fiction Pack 1 is one EXE Format CD with a collection of 3 Titles for the price of 2. Those included Titles are Creative Writing: Fact And Fiction, eMarketing Considerations, and Body Language: Fact or Fiction. |