My Catalogue



This is a general catalogue of published books written by me to date. There is a different ISBN for each of the published Formats of the same Title. That may be a little confusing for online surfers, l know; but is essential here in the UK according to Law therefore publishing procedures. Click on Read More for details.

Published Formats include the Able Limited Editions EXE CD Format, Able Limited Editions DRM Protected EPUB Download Format, and the Kindle Format. General Details of each Title listed in the Fiction and Non-Fiction pages of this catalogue will indicate the Formats they have been published in and the relevant ISBN. 

Click on the banner below to visit the Able Limited Editions website for details of all available Publication Formats. Or click any provided ISBN links on the Fiction and or Non-Fiction pages of this catalogue if you want to go straight to relevant Able Limited Editions Shop sales pages, or indeed any relevant Amazon Kindle sales page.

